雪隠で饅頭 Setchin de manjuu.

  • 解釈:人に隠れて自分ひとりで利益を得ようとするたとえ。汚い場所で美味しい物を食べても、気持がよくないたとえ。「雪隠」は便所のこと。
  • Literal:They are steamed filled dumplings in the snowy shade.
  • Interpretation:They are steamed filled dumplings in a rest room. It is not delicious. It is going to hide in people and is going to obtain profits only by itself.
  • 類義:雪隠で米を噛む。
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.